Children In Need Tapathon

Children In Need Tapathon

We took part in the Tapathon this year which is a fund raiser for Children in Need. This took place on Sunday 17th November at the Highbury pub, Stirchley. This is the first year we have done this and we were very excited to be apart of such an amazing fund-raising...
Winter Mini Show

Winter Mini Show

RDA presents our winter mini show, showcasing all our hard work leading up to performances, exams and workshops. Tickets will be on sale from beginning of November. Two shows – Saturday 14th December 11am and 1pm. Show will consist of 1hour.
Congratulations to Miss Josephine

Congratulations to Miss Josephine

Congratulations to Miss Josephine who took her National Tap Association teachers exam before Easter! Passing with Distinction! She is now a full member of NATD and fully qualified tap teacher. You’re amazing Miss Josephine, and we love having you on our RDA team...